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Tranen in je ogen van een lied krijgen. Irritatie ontdekken in ongeduldige noten. Muziek kan allerlei emoties oproepen. Peter Bogaert legt uit hoe componisten in de afgelopen eeuwen onze menselijke gevoelens verklankten. Hij laat fragmenten horen van componisten als Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Wagner en de serialisten uit de 20e eeuw. Ook geeft hij een inleiding op twee stukken die het Nederlands Studenten Orkest op 9 februari in Hengelo zal uitvoeren. In de Akademische Festouverture van Brahms hoor je bijvoorbeeld allerlei studentenliederen, zoals het Gaudeamus Igitur. Ein Heldenleben van Strauss is een symfonisch gedicht dat begrijpelijker wordt als je de structuur herkent. Bogaert zal ook zelf op zijn viool passages spelen.
Drs. Peter Bogaert is componist en werkt als violist, dirigent, concertmeester en strijkerscoach in heel Europa. Hij is bij de UT dirigent bij MSO en InSPE.
Het NSO zal op 9 februari spelen in de Schouwburg van Hengelo in het kader van hun landelijke tournee. Kaarten te verkrijgen via: www.nso.nl en op deze avond. Op 8 februari betalen studenten 7,50 euro. Niet-studenten: 12,50 euro.
Dinsdag 8 februari 19:30-21:00 Vrijhof
Aanmelden voor het evenement mogelijk via the website van studium generale.
The Vrijhof will transform into an epic arena and you are challenged to defeat the Titans during the fight. Will you take up the challenge? The battle of the century was planned for Saturday 22 January, but due to the corona regulations, the activity is postponed. We will let you know when you can take on the Giants in the Theatre halls of the Vrijhof. We will be starting our battle at 15:00.
You are requested to sign up on our website for the laser game activity. The tickets are €2,50 and are sold in the Apollo webshop! We will try to reschedule the activity. If it will be cancelled or you cannot attend the new date, you will be fully refunded. You can take up contact with lustrum@apollo.utwente.nl for any questions or if you want to get refunded.
On Saturday 18 December Apollo will host the Winter Fair. During this day, we want to offer warmth and comfort in the cold winter days by offering a number of cosy activities in the Vrijhof. From felting and crocheting in the Audiozaal to movies in the Amphitheater and Just Dance in Agora. Next to that, there will be a musical appearance of Musilon in the foyer. The Winter Fair will take place from 13:00-17:00.
To secure your spot at the workshop, get your tickets in our webshop! During the crocheting workshop, we will be making an adorable winter hat. Don’t you know how to crochet yet? No worries, we will be explaining everything during the workshop. And the best thing is that you can keep your creation afterwards! Next to crocheting, there is also a needle felting workshop, where you will be making the cutest penguins.
Not only is it nice to get together during these cold and dark times, but we will also be raising money for a good cause. This years’ charity will be “Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Enschede” a fund providing children from fewer income families to participate in sports and culture. All the money made on the drink sales during the Winter Fair will be going to the charity.
Crochet Workshop – €5,00
Needle felting Workshop – €2,50
Christmas is a time of getting together and celebrating the holidays. This year, we wanted to celebrate together with you during a Christmas dinner! On Wednesday 15 December Apollo we planned a lovely Christmas dinner. However, due to the current corona regulations, we are unable to continue the dinner as we planned. The people who already bought a ticket will be fully refunded.
The word is out! The theme of next years Apollo lustrum will be “Metamorphoses”. We are very excited to share all our plans with you and look forward to an amazing year together with you! Here you can find the program of all our lustrum activities.
This year Apollo will celebrate its 30th anniversary! The upcoming academic year will be full of activities and celebrations. To kick things off, we will unveil the theme and program of this lustrum on Friday 11 June at 16:00 via an online stream, which can be found via https://vimeo.com/event/334306!
After the presentation, you are all invited to join us for a drink in the Apollo discord server, which can be joined via https://discord.gg/h5AGpXa.
Do you want to become (even more) active within cultural associations? Look no further. We are looking for new committee members! To provide you with all information you might need, Apollo organizes a committee market on Thursday 3rd of June. Are you interested in joining a committee from September onwards and support the Apollo board? Come and take a look at all committees we offer. For a sneak peek you can already visit our Instagram stories/highlights.
Welcome to the Vrijhof Crazy 88 Challenge, in collaboration with Apollo. From 27 April until 5 May, you have the chance to score points by completing as many challenges as you can out of 88 provided challenges. 55 of them will become available on 27 April and a bonus of 33 challenges on 5 May to complete the last day!
Are done with your lectures, have questions for us or just want to talk? The Apollo board will be in the Discord to chill for a bit, have a chat and forget your uni stress!
We will be there on Tuesdays from 15:00-16:00 and on Thursdays from 11:00-12:00. If you are not part of our Discord server yet, you can join via https://discord.gg/h5AGpXa
Martijn Heutinck, chairman of Apollo and member of 4 happy feet
I am Martijn Heutinck and I am the chairman of Apollo. This year I am not studying, but I came to Enschede to study Advanced Mathematics. Last year I also did ECB (Educatie en Communicatie in de Bètawetenschappen), so I am a teacher now as well. Next to Apollo, I am part of 4 happy feet and Bellettrie. I have been an active member of the study association Abacus. I was the chairman of the symposium committee and I have been the treasurer of the study trip for two years.