[Lustrum] Lasergaming – Cancelled

[Lustrum] Lasergaming – Cancelled

The Vrijhof will transform into an epic arena and you are challenged to defeat the Titans during the fight. Will you take up the challenge? The battle of the century was planned for Saturday 22 January, but due to the corona regulations, the activity is postponed. We will let you know when you can take on the Giants in the Theatre halls of the Vrijhof. We will be starting our battle at 15:00.

You are requested to sign up on our website for the laser game activity. The tickets are €2,50 and are sold in the Apollo webshop! We will try to reschedule the activity. If it will be cancelled or you cannot attend the new date, you will be fully refunded. You can take up contact with lustrum@apollo.utwente.nl for any questions or if you want to get refunded.