

Dorian Luchtmeijer

Hello, I am Dorian, chair of Apollo. As chair I lead board meetings and GA’s and I make agendas for these meetings. As a chair, or maybe more so as a full time board member, I attend a lot of meetings. Mostly meetings with Vrijhof and SU, but also with associations within Apollo, associations (still) outside of Apollo and sometimes I attend meetings from the municipality or from Cultuurnoabers (group of people trying to promote or help cultural associations in Enschede).

I am also in charge of the RTPM, the room allocation program for the Vrijhof. This involves a lot of communication with all the interested parties in the Vrijhof!

Wouter Stoter
Secretary & Officer of PR

Hi everyone! I’m Wouter, and I am the Secretary and Officer of PR of Apollo. As Secretary, I make notes during board meetings and during GAs. This means that I write down any decision that we made and action points that came up. Some other tasks that typically are for a secretary is checking and responding to emails and writing the monthly infomails for the associations, but these tasks we have distributed within the board, so I’m only doing parts of that.

As Officer of PR I try to make sure that Apollo stays visible. For this I luckily have the help of a lovely Promotion Committee. Together we post all the stuff you see here on the instagram, but we also have some other projects going on. I also keep track of all the activities from the associations and make sure they appear in the quartile booklets and all the other platforms.

Next to this, I’m also of course involved with the general board tasks, like our meetings with Student Union, Vrijhof and other parties.

Alec Zirnhed

I am Alec Zirnheld and I am a 21-year-old international student from Luxembourg. I am the treasurer of Apollo and in charge of the finances, the subsidies and the dance show committee. I have always been passionate about music, theatre and dance and therefore cultural activities have played a large part in my life. This led to me becoming board of a dance association in 2021 and getting involved with Apollo in some committees. Having experienced the great ambience within the cultural sector, I decided to become a board member of Apollo. Besides the Apollo board I am also in my 3rd year of Psychology studies.