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Apollo is the cultural umbrella of the University of Twente. We defend the interest of the cultural associations and help to organize cultural events on campus.
We provide advice, promotion and contacts for everything culture- and arts-related. Aided by our committees, we also organize multiple activities, such as an Open Stage, Gala and the party in the Vrijhof during the Batavierenrace.
We also manage the Subsidy Fund for Culture (SFC) provided by the Student Union. Anyone organizing a cultural event can apply for a subsidy.
If you have any questions with regards to culture on campus, don’t hesitate to contact us or drop by the office.
Here you can find everything that is going on with Apollo and culture on campus!
These are the people that are currently representing the cultural associations and foundations on the campus and promote culture on campus.
Wouter Stoter – Secretary and Officer of PR
Alec Zirnheld – Treasurer
Dorian Luchtmeijer – Chairman
These are the organisations that we represent.